Thursday, January 30, 2014

Student Success Statement
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
-Mother Teresa

Its easy to be nice but although the moment goes by quick the possibilities of being nice are endless and the feeling does not end.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Student Success Statement
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
-Charles Ketterer

We can only achieve what we truly desire in life, happiness, wealth and success only if we think of it before as motivation and eventually if you keep choosing the right then you will succeed.
Nursing Home Administrator
Duties And Responsibilities: Nursing Home Administrators provide plan and direct operations in long term care facilities and nursing homes. They supervise personal, financial, medical and nursing administration. Some Nursing Home Administrators may also be involved with research.
Average Salary: $40,000 - $55,000.
Educational Requirements: Students should take challenging high school courses in business, math, English, and science. Requirements may differ in states but most states require at least a bachelor’s degree to be a Nursing Home Administrator, complete a internship course and to complete a comprehensive exam.
Reflection: No, I would not like to be a Nursing Home Administrator just because although I may seem friendly I don’t like to be around people. I just want to keep to myself and in this profession you have to constantly be around others. This field of profession is just not for me.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Success Statement
“Be cool in school, live every rule.”
-Mr. Haymore

At the end of the day choosing the right is what is cool, not acting like a fool and doing what is socially wrong. So be cool, and live every rule.
School Assembly Reflection

Last Friday the teachers of HPIAM and staff had a school wide assembly and had little skits planned depicting some of the students from HPIAM. The skits included we’re mainly involving rules that are broken regularly such as the uniform policy, cleaning up after yourself, tagging, profanity, etc. The teachers also gave a example of how we can improve ourselves. The only rule I constantly break every now and then is the uniform policy. I just wash clothes every so often so my Link Crew shirt gets thrown in the wash so I have to wear a band shirt that day.   

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Student Success Statement
“Action is the foundational key to all success.”
-Pablo Picasso

If we do not take action then how do we expect to accomplish anything in life or any of our goals? Being lazy is not the way to success because it slows you down or prohibits you from accomplishing anything.
100 Goals Progress

So far I’ve completed my goal of starting my Black Thrash band, although the riffs sound very Black Metal the drums keep that grooviness, and fast tempo that lots of the old school Thrash bands had. I also got hit up by my old Hardcore band to come and jam out with them on Friday so I have to play bass for hours tonight just to relearn all the songs. I told myself I’d get myself a Ampeg or Behringer Bass Cab but I think I’ve decided to get myself a Marshall cab with a Behringer bass head. Using Guitar cabs for Bass is risky business since you may blow it up but overall gives your bass a natural distorted aspect which is great for playing Metal. My biggest dream would be to tour Europe with a band but I at least and for sure will visit Scandinavia sometime, the land of the Vikings!
Pyramid Healing
Pyramid Healing, an alternative health practice that is based on the belief that by tapping into the shape of a pyramid you can use the energy that surrounds all living things. Believers state that pyramids are found throughout cultures all over the world and these cultures all associated with prosperity, growth, production and vitality. Pyramid healing is used to treat anxiety, depression, tension, fatigue and sometimes even a cold.
Yes I’d like to try it, only because I remember the episode of Seinfeld where George tries it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Student Success Statement
“The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.”

Why try to be better then somebody else? Yes, we are guilty of wanting to be better then others but if that’s your only motivation, out of spite? Then that is wrong because you should only work to make your life better for yourself.
Health Science Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: Health Science Librarians and Technology Librarians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information needed to treat a patient, research, education, and administration. Librarians select and acquire books, journals and other library material. They also establish electronic and digital database information systems. They organize this information into collections and develop catalogs for access and provide reference assistance to patrons. They coordinate and control budgets and supervise library technicians.
Average Salary: $ 20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians) 
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians)

Educational Requirements: Health sciences library technician training varies by employer.  Some provide on the job training, but all prefer that students complete library technician programs at a community college or technical school.  Associate's degrees can be earned in many of these programs.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Winter Break

My winter break was a alright one I guess, I spent most of it in doors playing bass. I tried to get at least a hour or more of practice time. I ended up getting a White Fender P Bass but it has no strings so I’ve decided to buy a pack of Ernie Ball Cobalts Hybrid Extra Slinky. I did occasionally go out to go support my friends bands play, this past Saturday I went to support my friends from Transcendence and Detest. I was pretty much the bassists roadie for the night seeing how I tuned both their basses, set up the bass cab and head. I didn’t mind seeing Transcendence play Morbid Reality and then seeing Detest play A Horrid Night For Sodomy made it worth it. The gig was all the way in Pomona so I was back quite late. The bass player from Detest gave me a Behringer 450 watt bass head for free. I was also approached by somebody my age at that show and asked if I wanted to start a DSBM band and I said I’d be down. Im also working on starting a Black Thrash band with my ex guitarist and drummer. I got my new vest somewhat semi completed, I still need to sew on a few patches.

Transcendence Deathrash Logo.
Student Success Statement
“It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness.”

The road to success is not always necessarily a easy path but instead a path of many hardships but the overall feeling of that moment after you triumphant over it is a special feeling at that.
Clinical Laboratory Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Clinical Laboratory Specialists include both Clinical Laboratory Technicians and Clinical Laboratory Technologists. These professions are also referred to as Clinical Laboratory Technicians/Technologists. Both do laboratory work to treat, research and diagnose a disease. Clinical Laboratory Specialists use microscopes and other laboratory equipment to better and further their research. They also collect blood samples and prepare reports for a clinical technologists or physician. A clinical laboratory technologists looks over the work that a clinical laboratory technician does.
Average Salary: $20,000 - $28,000 (Clinical laboratory technicians) 
$25,000 - $40,000 (Clinical technologists)
Educational Requirements:

A bachelor’s degree is normally required in this work field to become a clinical technologist; however some employers accept an associate's degree and extensive clinical experience as a substitute.  Many technologists pursue additional graduate education or specialized training to advance their careers in clinical chemistry, blood banking, and microbiology.